
 UX designer


  6 Months


1 Project Lead

1 Matter Exper

 4 UX designers


  Adobe XD



  User Research (Interviews, Affinity Diagram, Empathy Map, Personas, User Journey, HMW questions, Hypothesis)

  Client Workshop

  Product presentation

  low-fi Prototypes


  not applicable

Deep Dive into User Research

The Tata Motors project spanned six months, during which we conducted research involving ten users from India, all of whom were brand customers. The client directed us to focus on the product's usability from when users leave their homes until they reach their destinations, covering short and long journeys.

Additionally, the interview questions were tailored to identify issues with the infotainment system, instrument cluster, air conditioning, and other features. We also categorized the participants into two groups: current EV drivers and prospective EV buyers. The primary focus of our interviews was to deeply understand the customer's needs during travel—what were they missing?

The questions posed were intentionally open-ended, such as 'Can you tell me about any mishaps with your car that you can recall?'  This approach allowed us to delve into everyday experiences and emotions that highlighted real issues with the software currently offered by the brand, which we had not yet addressed."

User research

Current EV Driver

  Rational

  Reserve

  Works is the number one thing in his life

"50% battery is like an alarm in my head"

Aryan typically commutes about 15 km to the office during the week and occasionally plans longer trips of around 250 km on weekends.

He is considering installing a charging spot at home but needs to save up for it.

Aryan believes India needs significant infrastructure improvements to transition from fuel to battery power fully."

Range Anxiety
User Journey Map (EV Driver)

  Users prefer to access charging tips, charging times, and live information about charging stations via an app.

  Additionally, the infotainment system should support customisation.

  Need better mileage, live battery range information and more customisation on HMI.


Empathy Map (EV Buyer)

  Limited acceptance and experience with EVs

  Users find in-app warnings and explanations helpful.

  In-car offices are a common requirement for drivers.

  Trip planners and to-do lists are popular features.


Between our company’s experience, our user research findings, and our client's contributions, we identified over 150 use cases. Our next task is to organize a three-day workshop with key stakeholders to prioritize and narrow these cases down to five potential prototypes.

Prospective EV Buyer

 Skeptical

 Environmentally conscious


"I have heard somewhere that battery could explode. I have a big concern about battery life"

Kabir typically commutes to the office and shopping malls.

He is interested in switching to EV cars to avoid being overcharged at fuel stations, which are often run by third parties in India.

Kabir wants to support sustainable solutions and contribute to India's environmental goals by purchasing an EV. However, he has concerns about the safety of batteries and feels that EV technology needs further development.

He believes that widespread adoption in India will occur only when more people start sharing positive experiences with EVs.

EV acceptance


The workshop for Tata Motors internal stakeholders focused on the following objectives:

- Analyzed results from benchmarking studies and user research.

- Outlined potential use cases and relevant data points.

- Engaged in comprehensive brainstorming and ideation sessions.

Use Cases

The workshop provided clear direction on which use cases and features were important. Following this, the subsequent activities took place:

- Prototyping of five high-potential use cases.

- Identification of features and use cases for future-proofing.

Future Proofing

After the prototyping of the chosen final use cases, the future-proofing for EV HMIs began, which consisted of the following:

- Recommendations for unique EV use cases and features.

- An overall summary and results of the activities conducted.

- A final closure report.

Final Features and Use Cases:

  EV Analitics

  EV Space

  Trip Settings

  Drive Score Reward

  Intelligent Trip Planner

Intelligent Trip Planner

The Intelligent Itinerary Planner (IIP) optimises trips by minimising range anxiety. This feature determines the most efficient route based on estimated range, intuitively using geolocalised data. IIP provides detailed information about charging stations along the route, including live occupancy, charging type and cost, nearby facilities, and the availability of free charging slots. Additionally, it offers tailored recommendations such as favourite restaurants, route adjustments based on weather conditions, and available parking slots to enhance the overall journey experience.

Companion app

Prototype frames

"Users may want an electric vehicle with an 800 km range and a charging time of just 10 minutes for convenient long-distance travel. However, they truly need an EV with a 400 km range that includes an efficient charging plan, ensuring they can travel anywhere without hassle."
Five final use cases Document